Sujay Garlanka


Robotics • RL

Quadruped Locomotion

An implementation of quadruped forward, backward and lateral walking using model predictive control (MPC) and quadratic programming in MATLAB and Simulink.

Quadruped Locomotion
Robotics • RL

Neural Network Library

An efficient neural network library implementation that was also used to train an RL agent from scratch.

Neural Network Library

Book Exchange

A website for Duke students to more easily buy and sell books among each other. It served over 1300 students.

Book Exchange

Receipt Database

A web application that can scrape your email for e-receipts and can catalog and analyze them in a dashboard.

Receipt Database

Drink Machine

A CAD designed and 3D-printed drink machine that mixes drinks with milliliter accuracy. Recipes can be sent via an NFC enabled iPhone app.

Drink Machine

Autonomous Bot

A DIY autonomous robot that can drive itself.

Autonomous Bot