Stanford Vision Lab
Developed motion primitives for a robot in a simulation environment as a student researcher. These motion primitives are Python functionality that execute robotic actions to accomplish basic tasks. The primitives were created using algorithmic approaches with full observability of the environment and deep reinforcment learning approaches using partial observability.
Stanford Vision LabBox
Co‑lead the migration and rearchitecture of Box API data collection and report generation of 3.8 to 11.4 billion rows of data daily from cron jobs to Apache Spark jobs. Also, developed and maintainted open source Box SDKs in 6 languages.
BoxBox Internship
Designed and built a command line tool (CLI) for over 200 of Box's API endpoints
Box InternshipCisco Internship
Created a proof of concept (POC) for an internal tool to digitize the creation and management of legal documents.
Cisco Internship